Euro-Election 2009
Dear members and Friends,
Please find here a document from the Greek Embassy in Dublin, in relation to the opening of a ballet box for the Euroelection 2009. More information on what needs to be done, in the document attached. For more clarifications please get in touch with the Embassy in Dublin.
On behalf of the management board,
The Secretary,
Theodora Lola-Luz
Greeting from new MB
Dear members, compatriots and friends of the Hellenic Community of Ireland
The General Assembly of the Hellenic Community (HC) gathered on Sunday 25 January 2009 at the Greek School where the election for the new Management Board (MB) took place. I would like to thank our members who honoured us with their presence and laid their trust on us by approving us for two more years of tenure. I feel very optimistic for my Presidency of the HC, and I believe that I also reflect the views of all the MB members, because we did achieve a great deal in our last tenure, but we also gained more experience in handling the issues of the HC. I feel particularly pleased due to the presence of four new colleagues in the MB with new energy and ideas, but also because I believe that it is good that as many of us as possible are involved in the management of our community. Only this way we can really make the community “ours”. We commit ourselves to serve as best as we are able to the interests of our Community in Ireland and of Hellenism in general.
On behalf of the MB
Warm regards
Dr. Thomais Kakouli
President, Hellenic Community of Ireland
Click here to download the minutes of the Bi-Annual General Meeting held on January 25th 2009.
Settling in Ireland
If you have recently moved to Ireland or you are thinking to relocate here in the near future, there are lots of things you need to know. The attached document contains some basic information about Social Insurance, Benefits, Schools, etc. Click here to download.
Για την Ελληνική έκδοση, πατήστε εδω
Greek Coffee Room
Dear members/friends of the Hellenic community,
We would like to inform you that on Tuesday February 3rd at 5 pm in the room behind the church there will be a Greek Kafeneio/coffee in operation where we can meet for coffee and tavli.
The Board is trying to find a day that would suit most people. if you wish you could contact the secretary of the community ( in order to help us decide what day suits the majority.
Hope to see you there.
On behalf of the Hellenic Community,
Theodora Lola-Luz
Vasilopita and Hellenic Community AGM
Dear friends/members of the Hellenic Community of Ireland,
First and above all please accept our best and heartfelt wishes from all of us in the Hellenic Community Committee to all of you for a very happy and pleasant Christmas and New Year.
The present Committee having completed its two-year tenure, we are calling for an Annual General Meeting, combined with elections on Sunday January 25th 2009, 13.00 – 15.00 hours in our School Hall. The session will be divided into two: the present Committee will initially (13.00 – 14.15) present an activity and financial report, which would have been circulated beforehand, to be followed with a full and open discussion. Elections will then complete the session
We would like you all to circulate through myself any proposals you may have for the discussion as well as any nominations for the Committee by Sunday January 11th to give us ample time to circulate everything to the entire membership list.
Full and Associate members (paid up) of the Hellenic Community will take part in the AGM – however, the latter will have speaking but no voting rights. Existing members may renew their membership and pay the 2009 dues on the day at the door. However new friends who may wish to join and take part will have to let us know a week before so that we can prepare our lists.
Looking forward to a good and productive year
Best regards,
Michael Youlton (Vice-President)
PS: Following the liturgy at 12.30 we will have a small Vasilopita (St Basil’s pie) event for all in the School Hall
Christmas Liturgy
Dear friends and compatriots,
This is just to inform you that on Christmas Day, the Main Christmas Liturgy will take place (as usual) at 11am.
After the Liturgy you are all invited to sing the carols and taste honey and spice cookies and sugared almond cookies at the Hellenic Community hall.
Once again, please accept our best wishes for Christmas and New Year (Download e-card).
Stella Xenopoulou
Christmas School Celebration
Dear parents and friends of the Greek School in Dublin,
The teacher, the students and the School Committee invite you to the Christmas celebration that will take place on Saturday 13th of December 2008 at 11am, at the Greek School, at the room of the Greek Community behind our church.
The programme will include recitation of Christmas songs and plays, and of course presents from Santa Claus.
We would be delighted to see you all there, members or not of the Community, to celebrate together Christmas and for you to see first hand the very important work that is carried out by our new teacher Mr. Vaios Manolis.
We would kindly request that you email Ms Dora Lola -Luz ( by the 22nd of November, confirming whether you will be attending the celebration or not. In addition, please indicate the number, age group and gender of children of your family that will be present at the celebration, so we can determine the number of presents that we need to buy, so that no child will be disappointed.
Thanking you in advance for your collaboration.
The teacher, students and school committee of the Greek School in Dublin
Archbishop Gregorios” Visit
Dear Friends,
We would like to inform you that the Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain Gregorios, will visit the Greek Church and School in the next weekend. His time schedule is the following:
1. Saturday 22 November at 11.30am: Visit at the Greek School.
2. Saturday 22 November at 6pm: Vespers (Church of the Annunciation, 46 Arbour Hill, Dublin 7)
3. Sunday 23 November at 9.30am: One Holly Liturgy
4. Meeting with parishioners after the Holly Liturgy
We kindly ask the parents of the Greek School to take part in the meeting with the Archbishop on Saturday at 11.30am, as he particularly expressed his interest in meeting them.
Finally, we would like to ask all parishioner to be at the Church on Saturday at 6pm and on Sunday at 9.30am.
Michael Youlton
Vice-President, Hellenic Community of Ireland
Art Ireland 2008
Art Ireland ( is Ireland’s largest and best attended art fair. The ninth annual art fair will take place in the Main Hall RDS, Dublin from the 14th to the 16th November 2008.
This year nearly two hundred artists and galleries will take part in Art Ireland and among them Mary Papas (, a Greek artist.
If you are interested in attending this event, please contact us and we will email you an E-Invite for free admission.
Doxology for 28th of October
Dear members/friends of the Community,
The committee and the Greek Embassy would like to inform you that this Sunday 26th of October, a Doxology will take place at the Greek Orthodox Church, for the occasion of the National Day. It will start straight after the conclusion of the weekly Holly Liturgy at around 12:00pm
We would also like to inform you that the new teacher will be present to meet parents and whoever else is willing το attend Greek lessons this year.
The secretary
Kostas Papalampros