Christmas Event

Dear members and friends of the Hellenic Community of Ireland,

We are happy to invite you to the Christmas celebrations and bazaar of the Hellenic Community of Ireland which are built around the children of the Greek School.

Please come and sing Christmas carols with us on Sunday 15/12/2019 at 13:00 at the Robert Emmet Community Development Project at 3 Usher Street, Dublin 8, D08 T202. Parents, Guardians and relatives of children that do not attend the Greek school are very welcome to participate not only in singing with us but in reciting a poem too.

Santy (Ayios Vasilis) is bringing his presents that each adult/guardian will bring wrapped up with the name of the child written on it. Presents strictly not above €10.

Our best wishes for the Festive season

The Board of the Hellenic Community of Ireland

OXI day

Dear members and friends,

You are cordially invited to the celebrations of 28th  October 1940 that is going to take part on Sunday 27th October at 14:30 at the Emmet Community Development Project,  Usher Street, The Liberties, Dublin 8.

Celebrations include reciting of poems from students in our school and handing over of the certificates of attainment in modern Greek.

We would like to remind you that the mid term break is between Monday 28th October till Sunday 3rd November.

Classes will start again on Monday 4th November.

Class for Saturday 12/10/19

Dear Parents,

Please bring your children this coming Saturday 12/10/2019 to

AnSίol, 19 Manor Street, Dublin

11:30-13:30 προχωρημένοι – advanced

Επίπεδο Γ2 – Level  C2


Επίπεδο Γ1 – Level C1

16: 00 – 18:00

Επίπεδο Β1-Β2 – Level B1-B2

Please contact our teacher Vasso at to confirm the class of your child.

Please note that you need to enrol in order for your child to be covered by our insurance. For any issues please contact us at

Child Protection Policy

Child Protection Policy(Download on PDF)


Hellenic Community of Ireland

Child Protection Policy


First Ratified at the Board of Management Meeting December 2018

Reviewed annually


Signed:    Nadia Foutsou        Date: 5th October 2023


Ms Nadia Foutsou, Deputy Designated Liaison Person, parent, member of the Board

Stella Xenopoulou, President on the Board of the Hellenic Community


Hellenic Community Board of Management


Μαθήματα Ελληνικών για μεγαλύτερα παιδιά

Αγαπητοί γονείς

Έχουμε την χαρά να έχουμε την κυρία Βάσω Πλουμπή αποσπασμένη φιλόλογο από το Ελληνικό Υπουργείο Παιδείας.

Το Σάββατο 5 Οκτωβρίου από 12:30 έως 14:30 θα γίνει γνωριμία – κατανομή των μαθητών σε τμήματα – συζήτηση καθορισμός προγράμματος για τα τμήματα E & ΣΤ & μεγαλύτερα παιδιά όπως Leaving Cert

H συγκέντρωση θα γίνει στο  Chapelizod, 1 New Row, D20HY04

Τα μαθήματα θα ξεκινήσουν το Σάββατο 12 Οκτωβρίου σε χώρο που θα ανακοινωθεί προσεχώς.

Στο παρακάτω σύνδεσμο μπορείτε να κάνετε εγγραφή:

Enroll / Εγγραφή

Pre-Enrollment 2019-2020

The Hellenic Community of Ireland strive to meet the growing needs of our young and adult learners, presents the new structure of the Greek School of Ireland that will begin in September 2019.

Please fill out the pre-enrollment form in the link below as soon as possible so we can calculate the exact number of students.


The new classes are:

Sad News – Professor Frixos Joannides

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the peacefully passing of Professor Frixos Joannides on Saturday 25th May. at Belmont Nursing Home. Beloved husband of Peggy and much loved father of Michael, Markos and Kimon; sadly missed by his loving wife, sons, daughters-in-law Yvonne, Jen and Linda, grandchildren Emma, Ella, Luke, Jessica and Danny. We want to express our condolences to his family.

Frixos Joannides’ funeral will take place on Wednesday, May 29 2019, at 11:30 am in the RC Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (Foxrcok Church), Stillorgan Road, Foxrock, D18, followed by burial at Shanganagh Cemetery, South Co.Dublin. 

The family of Frixos Joannides asks anyone who wants to donate to his memory, to make it to the Greek Orthodox Parish in the following account:
IBAN: IE53 AIBK 9311 5223 4597 97

Book of condolences

Professor Frixos Joannidis originally from Cyprus, was one of the first Greeks to have settled on the island. In Ireland he worked as a professor of engineering at University College Dublin and took over duties as the Consul of Cyprus until the establishment of the Cypriot Embassy in Dublin. He had been one of the founders of Irish-Hellenic Society (1962) Hellenic Community οf Ireland (1964), Greek Orthodox Community (80s) and the Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation in Dublin (1994). At the same time, he was the first Modern Greek language teacher to Greek children before the establishment of the Greek School of Ireland (2003).

Greek lessons for families and adults

Dear friends and members of the Hellenic Community of Ireland,

We would like to inform you that as part of the school program we have successfully started  family classes aiming to support bilingual families. 

In addition, for the first time we are introducing adult classes during the summer period. The classes will be complimented with participation through Skype.

For more info

Invitation: “Discovering the Secrets of Zula’s Hollow”

Dear members and friends of the Hellenic Community of Ireland
The Project committee of Kilwarlin Moravian Church’s ‘Finding Zula’s Hollow’ Project, have great pleasure in inviting you, your friends and the whole of the Hellenic Community of Ireland to a day of discovery. It will be held at Kilwarlin Moravian church just outside Hillsborough, Co. Down.
On Saturday 11th May 2019, from 12:45 – 3:30pm, we will be ‘Discovering the Secrets of Zula’s Hollow’.
The National Lottery Heritage fund, and Lisburn and Castlereagh City council have generously funded a one-year project to seek to uncover the secrets that have been hidden or obscured, some for nearly 180 years.
We are coming to the end of the initial searching; archaeologists, hydro geologists, historical researchers and willing volunteers have investigated high and low and we are ready for the conclusions.
Through pictures, videos, stories, questions and answers and an actual tour of the Historic Battlefield Garden, you will be treated to the story of Rev. Basil Patras Zula and the little bit of Greece that now inhabits Co. Down. Focusing us on the Battle of Thermopylae in 480BCE and what led a Greek Chieftain, fresh from escaping the siege of Missolonghi in the Ottoman wars to come to Kilwarlin Co. Down, revitalize a dying church and build a unique historic garden. A fascinating look at heritage and living history among us.
We will be starting with light lunch and refreshments. 

To book your place, RSVP to Peter Dornan (email:

Happy Easter