Dear members and friends of the Hellenic Community,
The Hellenic Community of Ireland strongly supports cultural activities aiming at the promotion of the Hellenic Culture, the attraction of other Cultures to it, and vice-versa, and the development of ties of friendship among the Greek and other peoples. Under this spirit, I would like to draw your attention on the activities of the Classical Association of Ireland (download flyer) and the School of Philosophy and Economic Science (download flyer). I would like to make a special reference here to three very special colleagues, Dr Christina Souyoutzoglou-Haywood of the Classical Association of Ireland, and Mr and Mrs David Horan of the School of Philosophy and Economic Science, who for many year strive to uphold and promote the values that I mention above.
Finally, please be advised that the Hellenic Community of Ireland has paid a group subscription to the Classical Association of Ireland for 2009 and thus all Hellenic Community members are also members of the Classical Association of Ireland for the current year.
On behalf of the Management Board of the Hellenic Community
Warm Regards,
Thomais Kakouli
President of the Hellenic Community of Ireland