Greece in Ireland: News & Events of Greek Interest

  1. The Bacchae in Dublin: Classic Stage Ireland presents the last work by Euripides.  Venue: Project Cube, Project Arts Centre, 39 East Essex Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. Time:   8:15 pm – 9:45 pm (no interval).  Dates: 11th-23rd January 2010 (Previews: 8th and 9th January 2010).  Tickets: 20 (16 concession). Bookings: +353 (0) 1 881 9613 or
  2. ‘Collections present and absent at the new Acropolis Museum’: an Irish Museums Association (IMA) Annual James White Lecture by Prof. Dimitrios Pandermalis, President of the new Acropolis Museum, on Wednesday 18th November 2009 at 6.30pm. Venue: Ceramics Room, National Museum of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin. Lecture followed by reception; admission free, booking essential.
  3. ‘Cyrene – a Greek City in North Africa’: an Irish-Hellenic Society lecture by Professor Andrew Smith (Classics Department, UCD), on Wednesday 11th November 2009 at 8pm. Venue: The United Arts Club, 3 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2. More info
  4. Lynda Benglis at IMMA: The first solo exhibition in Europe of the Greek-American sculptor Lynda Benglis, at the Irish Museum of Modern Art from November 4th to January 24th. More info
  5. In Plato’s homeland by Eileen Pearson, The Irish Times, October 31, 2009. More info

Aid for the Greek fire victims

Watch interviews of Fr Hieremias Karampelas of the Holy Monastery Panagias Sgrapas Pilias to the local media in May 2008, during distribution of humanitarian aid at the village of Alagonia on Mount Tayetos, which was badly struck by fire in August 2007.  Fr Hieremias equipped his mission with funds sent to him by the Hellenic Community of Ireland. The Hellenic Community of Ireland organised a music night under the initiative of Ms Gemma Deery (see pictures) and fund-raised in our Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation in Dublin the amount of 8,000 euro, which was provided for this aid. The Hellenic Community of Ireland wishes to thank its members, Ms Gemma Deery and Ms  Dimphne Ní Bhraonain, the Irish Hellenic Society and especially Mr Paddy Sammon, and all the philhellenists of Ireland for their support and contribution.

Myth in ARTS and Popular Culture

Whatever happened to the heroes? ‘The Táin’ – From Monks’  Manuscripts at Clonmacnoise to Republican Murals in East Belfast. SPEAKER: Mary MacKENNA.

(and did the ancient Greek Classical tradition influence the sculpture, poetry and literature of Ireland? )

See Illustrated Flier.

The hero CúChulainn, interpretative centres and more!  Includes overview of works by an array of leading artists in the modern era who have interpreted themes from the ancient Irish epic myth – sculptures; drawings and tapestries of Louis le Brocquy, book illustrations by Pauline Bewick; popular artists such as Jim Fitzpatrick; poets WB Yeats and Thomas Kinsella, and retellings by writers Ulick O’Connor and Marie Heaney.  This slideshow was previously presented by invitation of the University of Ulster at the International Ulidia Conference, University of Ulster, Coleraine in July 09.

TIME: Register from 7.15pm, 7.30pm start. COST: €10  (Free Street Parking from 7pm)
VENUE: United Arts Club, 3 Upper Fitzwilliam Street – Thurs 5 Nov.
Dublin 2 (diagonally opposite Larry Murphy’s Pub, Lower Baggot St.)


Irish Myth in Arts and Popular Culture. – Thurs. 5th November –  All Welcome

Doxology for the 28th of October

Dear members and Friends,

The Doxology at the Greek Orthodox Church here in Dublin, to celebrate the Greek National (Ohi) Day on the 28th of October will take place this coming Sunday 25th of October 2009. The Divine Liturgy is at 11.00 and the Doxologia for the National Day will be at 12 noon.

Please don’t forget the time change (back one hour).

On behalf of the Board of Management,

Dr. Theodora Lola-Luz
Secretary Hellenic Community of Ireland

School celebration for the 28th of October

Dear parents and friends of the Greek School in Dublin,

The Hellenic community, the teacher and the School Committee invite you to the National celebration of 28 of October that will take place on Saturday 24th of October 2009 at 10:30 am, at the Greek School, at the function hall of the Greek Community behind our church.

The programme will include recitation of poems, songs, and a small theatrical play, as well as coffee at the end of the celebration.

We would be delighted to see you all there, members or not of the Community, to celebrate together our National Holiday.

We would kindly request that the parents whose kids will be participating in the celebration with a poem to email me ( or the teacher Mr Vaios Manolis ( by Monday the 21st of  October to notify us if for any reason they will be unable to attend the celebration. We ask this so that the teacher can plan the programme of the celebration.

Thanking you in advance for your collaboration.

On behalf of the management board, the teacher, and the school committee of the Greek School in Dublin,

Dr. Theodora Lola-Luz
Secretary Hellenic Community of Ireland

Greece & Poetry

Dear members and friends,

we would like to inform you of an event organised by the Irish-Hellenic society and it is in relation to a  lecture that will be delivered by the poet and Press Counselor of the Greek Embassy of Dublin, Yiorgos Chouliaras, on Wednesday 14th of October 2009 at 8pm at the United Arts Club (3 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2).

More information here.

On behalf of the board of management,

Dr. Theodora Lola-Luz
Secretary Hellenic Community of Ireland

Notification on cultural activities

Dear members and friends of the Hellenic Community,

The Hellenic Community of Ireland strongly supports cultural activities aiming at the promotion of the Hellenic Culture, the attraction of other Cultures to it, and vice-versa, and the development of ties of friendship among the Greek and other peoples. Under this spirit, I would like to draw your attention on the activities of the Classical Association of Ireland (download flyer) and the School of Philosophy and Economic Science (download flyer). I would like to make a special reference here to three very special colleagues, Dr Christina Souyoutzoglou-Haywood of the Classical Association of Ireland, and Mr and Mrs David Horan of the School of Philosophy and Economic Science, who for many year strive to uphold and promote the values that I mention above.

Finally, please be advised that the Hellenic Community of Ireland has paid a group subscription to the Classical Association of Ireland for 2009 and thus all Hellenic Community members are also members of the Classical Association of Ireland for the current year.

On behalf of the Management Board of the Hellenic Community

Warm Regards,

Thomais Kakouli
President of the Hellenic Community of Ireland

Greek library and coffee room

Dear members, friends and students of the Greek School,

Following the kind request of  our teacher Mr. Vaios Manolis we would like to inform you that:

1. The Library of the Greek School is now in operation. You can borrow books during the following times:

Tuesday: 5-7 pm
Saturday: 12:12:15
Sunday: after the Holly Liturgy (when the teacher is there)

2. We would like to remind you the Kafenio (Greek Cafe) is in operation again every Tuesday after 5pm. Please note that over the next couple of days we will be installing NOVA, and so it will be possible to open the Kafenio during weekends.

3. We would kindly ask parents whose kids attend the Greek Saturday to school, to inform the teacher ( 0876603500, whether they would be interested for their kids to be occupied by the teacher on Thursdays between 6-7:30pm. Please inform the teacher by 10/10/09.

On behalf of the teacher and the School committee

Dr. Theodora Lola-Luz
Secretary Hellenic Community of Ireland

Invitation to social gathering

Dear members and friends of the Hellenic Community

I am writing to inform you (in case that you are not aware of it yet) that for almost a year now the ladies of the Greek community, in Dublin and in the wider area, are gathering once a month to celebrate name days for that month, usually at a restaurant of their liking. There is already a “core group” of women that participate, but as we believe that these gatherings will bring the community members closer together and even bring new members, I am sending this invitation so that whoever from the ladies was not aware of this, to join in if she wishes so. The only requirement is that she knows Greek as we consider these events great opportunities to speak our mother tongue. Irish friends or of other nationalities who know Greek are very welcome.
The organiser of these events is Ms Maria Gioni. If you wish to participate please contact Maria (, 0863375399) so that she can enroll you in the ladies communication list. Our next get together has been planned for the Thursday the 17th of September.

It was with great joy that we were recently informed that gatherings like these may also happen with the men of the community as well. Mr Sotirios Magoufis offered to organise something similar for the gentlemen of our community. We kindly urge you to get in touch with Sotirios (, 0872438127) who is willing not only to organise the gatherings, but also to come all the way from Limerick for them, so his efforts should be even more supported by your participation.

We hope that you respond to the efforts of Maria and Sotirios to bring together and warm our community members as winter is approaching!

Warm Regards

On the behalf of the Management Board

Thomais Kakouli
Hellenic Community of Ireland

The Hellenic Community of Ireland live on Greek radio

The past president of the Hellenic Community of Ireland, Dr. Thomais Kakouli, live on ERA on 23rd of July 2009.

Download the audio file