Watch interviews of Fr Hieremias Karampelas of the Holy Monastery Panagias Sgrapas Pilias to the local media in May 2008, during distribution of humanitarian aid at the village of Alagonia on Mount Tayetos, which was badly struck by fire in August 2007. Fr Hieremias equipped his mission with funds sent to him by the Hellenic Community of Ireland. The Hellenic Community of Ireland organised a music night under the initiative of Ms Gemma Deery (see pictures) and fund-raised in our Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation in Dublin the amount of 8,000 euro, which was provided for this aid. The Hellenic Community of Ireland wishes to thank its members, Ms Gemma Deery and Ms Dimphne Ní Bhraonain, the Irish Hellenic Society and especially Mr Paddy Sammon, and all the philhellenists of Ireland for their support and contribution.